The beginning of a new school year always brings new challenges, and one of the most significant is ensuring healthy and comfortable spaces for children, adolescents, and adults in classrooms. Providing peace of mind and confidence to families is an essential value...

Why is Air Scenting Key to Fostering a Good Working Environment?
Without over analyzing, this question could be answered in a simple but reductionist way: air scenting, directly linked to the sense of smell, emotionally connects us to places. Air scenting is a noble strategy to make your internal customer feel comfortable and, consequently, be productive.
How to Improve Your Business? The Experience of an Impeccable Restroom
Let's start with an apparently controversial statement: the restroom is the most intimate area of your business. It's the physical space where the image projected to your customers is compacted. The intention is not to be categorical with exaggerated statements, but...
Improve Customer Experience
Boost your business success by placing customer experience in the center of your strategy. Discover how ProHygiene and its cleaning and comfort solutions can make the difference and make your business climb to a new level.