How to Improve Your Business? The Experience of an Impeccable Restroom

Let’s start with an apparently controversial statement: the restroom is the most intimate area of your business. It’s the physical space where the image projected to your customers is compacted. The intention is not to be categorical with exaggerated statements, but to reflect on culturally normalized issues that go against the growth of your business proposal.

Normalization is a common phenomenon these times, a defense mechanism according to psychology. We often normalize discomfort to survive in this world. By discomfort, we refer, for example, to the ‘juggling act’ we sometimes perform in semi-public restrooms to avoid contact with any surface that, at first glance, appears to be in poor condition. But instead of questioning it, most people accept dirt and unpleasant odors as if these factors were inherent to these spaces.

Considering the above, we can discuss the health of your restrooms by understanding their sensory dimension. When we talk about sensitivity, we mean the ability to recognize the value of paying attention to the physical space of your business where intimacy occurs, and where your internal/external customer shows a certain vulnerability that must be cared for; simply for health reasons. It’s a responsibility that shouldn’t be overlooked. 

If we turn again to what has become normalized, we’ve lost the capacity to be amazed when we navigate through overcrowded restrooms filled with toilet paper, unpleasant odors, stains, and so forth. Do you think that such a statement doesn’t work against your business? We’ve also become accustomed to hearing and seeing dreadful news. Do you think that doesn’t affect you either?

Well, we’re in a position to be decisive without any reservations: Yes, it definitely affects your perception. It is conditioned and your actions will be a consequence of that experience. The same will happen to your customers after eating a delicious salmon at your restaurant, spending a fortune on a good haircut at your beauty salon or visiting the doctor at your clinic. Your employees who spend nine hours of their daily lives working in your offices will have the same perception too.


It’s clearly neither convenient nor harmless to neglect the most intimate area of our business. If we were to draw a parallel with any part of the body, the restroom would be the heart, because what looks simple   shows how deeply we think about our customers. Our services involve offering a clean and fresh restroom. It’s not just an accessory; it’s an integral part of our proposal.


To conclude, let’s normalize care. To do so, ProHygiene provides cleaning solutions so that your restroom, the most intimate area of your business, can shine.

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