Why is Air Scenting Key to Fostering a Good Working Environment?

Without over analyzing, this question could be answered in a simple but reductionist way: air scenting, directly linked to the sense of smell, emotionally connects us to places. Air scenting is a noble strategy to make your internal customer feel comfortable and, consequently, be productive.

Even though this conclusion is correct, we’d like to delve deeper into the analysis. To do so, we propose a challenge: If you continue reading this article, not only will you understand why proper air scenting contributes to creating a good working environment, but you will also discover a new resource to increase your sales. Are you up for it?

Creativity is the human capacity to propose new ways of perceiving the world; therefore, scent marketing aims at subtly and effectively engaging the perception of our internal and external customers.

Smell is the sense directly related to the limbic system involved in regulating and processing emotions, which means that aromas can activate the emotional area of our brain. An interesting exercise could be to think about which scents remind us of pleasant memories and capture the emotions they evoke in us.

Memories are nothing more than a resource of the mind translated into images, events, people, and situations from our past.

So, if we clearly understand the mechanism behind effective air scenting, why not use it to benefit our business?

Going back to the initial proposal of this publication, it’s worth noting that the internal customer is one of the key players responsible for conveying the identity and culture of a company. In this sense, fostering a positive internal environment is an indirect action that influences our business sales.

Based on this brief analysis, we can observe that air scenting is far from being a random resource; rather, it becomes part of an effective communication strategy. It’s not just about creating a “pleasant fragrance”; it’s about creating a positive working environment for our employees, aiming at strengthening their sense of belonging, their productivity, and the image they project of the business.

Now, promises are debts. We know that image and profitability are directly related; that is to say, if you work to strengthen your image, you will see results in the profits you get. By focusing on building internal customer loyalty through effective air scenting, you also focus on cultivating a positive image of your business, and consequently your sales will increase.

We challenge you to see for yourself. At ProHygiene, we are ready to support you.

Contact us for further information.

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